“Internal Drive”

Title“Internal Drive”
Year for Search2015
AuthorsBenefiel, Heidi
Secondary AuthorsFinn, Ed, and Zachary, Pascal
Secondary TitleJourneys through Time and Space
Date Published2015
PublisherIntel Foundation/Society for Science and the Public/Arizona State University
Place PublishedNp
KeywordsFemale author

The story is set in a future where Earth is dying, and everyone is being moved to a high-tech sphere. The story is told by the scientist who is given the task of choosing the five, and only five, plants that will be taken to the new habitat. All animals are left behind, and cities are dismantled so that the entire Earth will be available to them.

Full Text

2015 Benefiel, Heidi. “Internal Drive.” Journeys through Time and Space. Ed. Ed Finn and Pascal Zachary (Np: Intel Foundation/Society for Science and the Public/Arizona State University, 2015), 51-59. Journeys_Through_Time_and_Space_Anthology.pdf

The story is set in a future where Earth is dying, and everyone is being moved to a high-tech sphere. The story is told by the scientist who is given the task of choosing the five, and only five, plants that will be taken to the new habitat. All animals are left behind, and cities are dismantled so that the entire Earth will be available to them. Female author.