“Juma and the Quantum Ghost”

Title“Juma and the Quantum Ghost”
Year for Search2021
AuthorsGarcia, Ingrid
Secondary AuthorsCoatsworth, J. Scott
Secondary TitleFix the World: Twelve Sci-Fi Writers Save the Future
Date Published2021
PublisherOther Worlds Ink
Place PublishedSacramento, CA
ISBN Number978-1732307582
KeywordsFemale author, Spanish author

In a future Africa, a woman who is developing a sustainable way of life has to fight corruption when her son his kidnapped for ransom at the behest of a local politician. She and her neighbors fight back using an organic computer developed by a teacher and her son. After they succeed, the computer is replicated, spreads to other poor parts of the word where the teacher has moved, and helps make her sustainability project a success.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Spanish female author

Full Text

2021 Garcia, Ingrid. “Juma and the Quantum Ghost.” Fix the World: Twelve Sci-Fi Writers Save the Future. Ed. J. Scott Coatsworth (Sacramento, CA: Other Worlds Ink, 2021), 20-45. 978-1732307582

In a future Africa, a woman who is developing a sustainable way of life has to fight corruption when her son his kidnapped for ransom at the behest of a local politician. She and her neighbors fight back using an organic computer developed by a teacher and her son. After they succeed, the computer is replicated, spreads to other poor parts of the word where the teacher has moved, and helps make her sustainability project a success. Spanish female author.