“Listen: A Memoir”

Title“Listen: A Memoir”
Year for Search2021
AuthorsChabria, Priya Sarukkai
Secondary AuthorsRupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat, and Ulibarri, Sarena
Secondary TitleMultispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures
Date Published2021
PublisherWorld Weaver Press
Place PublishedAlbuquerque, NM
ISBN Number978-1-734054521
KeywordsFemale author, Indian author

The story is set in a future that is recovering from the environmental devastation of the past told by a woman who can hear the birds, trees, and so forth speaking and can sometimes understand what is being said.

Author Note

Indian female author

Full Text

2021 Chabria, Priya Sarukkai. “Listen: A Memoir.” Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures. Ed. Christoph Rupprecht, Deborah Cleland, Norie Tamura, Rajat Chaudhuri, and Sarena Ulibarri (Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2021), 11-21.

The story is set in a future that is recovering from the environmental devastation of the past told by a woman who can hear the birds, trees, and so forth speaking and can sometimes understand what is being said. Indian female author.