Title | “Mars!” |
Year for Search | 1892 |
Secondary Title | Truth. 16th Christmas Number |
Pagination | 3-42 |
Date Published | December 25, 1892 |
Annotation | Satire on life in England through contact with a man from Mars through the telepathophone. Focus on economics, politics, and religion. There is very little on Mars, but it has no royalty, they blow up builders who produce bad work, and it is noted that in England such people are elected to Parliament. |
Illustration | Illus. F. Carruthers Gould (1844-1925). |
Holding Institutions | ATL |
Author Note | The bookseller George Locke thinks that Gould, the illustrator, may have written it. |
Full Text | 1892 “Mars!” Truth. 16th Christmas Number (December 25, 1892): 3-42. ATL Satire on life in England through contact with a man from Mars through the telepathophone. Focus on economics, politics, and religion. There is very little on Mars, but it has no royalty, they blow up builders who produce bad work, and it is noted that in England such people are elected to Parliament. |