“Microclimates of the Rich and Famous”

Title“Microclimates of the Rich and Famous”
Year for Search2023
AuthorsDuncan, R. K.
Secondary TitleLittle Blue Marble
Date PublishedAugust 25, 2023
ISBN Number978-1-988293-22-6
KeywordsQueer author, US author

In the story a sailboat approaches what initially appears to be an ecologically pristine island but turns out to be an almost entirely artificial creation of a wealthy man surrounded by defenses that keep out the polluted world he has helped create.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Little Blue Marble 2023: World on Fire. Ed. Katrina Archer (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Ganache Media, 2023), 8-13.



Author Note

The author self-describes as “a fat, queer, polyamorous, wizard.”

Full Text

2023 Duncan, R. K. “Microclimates of the Rich and Famous.” Illus. Little Blue Marble (August 25, 2023). https://littlebluemarble.ca/author/r-k-duncan/ Rpt. in Little Blue Marble 2023: World on Fire. Ed. Katrina Archer (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Ganache Media, 2023), 8-13. PSt

In the story a sailboat approaches what initially appears to be an ecologically pristine island but turns out to be an almost entirely artificial creation of a wealthy man surrounded by defenses that keep out the polluted world he has helped create. The author self-describes as “a fat, queer, polyamorous, wizard.”