“Old Man’s Sea”

Title“Old Man’s Sea”
Year for Search2021
AuthorsMcFarland, Meyari
Secondary AuthorsRupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat, and Ulibarri, Sarena
Secondary TitleMultispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures
Date Published2021
PublisherWorld Weaver Press
Place PublishedAlbuquerque, NM
ISBN Number978-1-734054521
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The story is set in a future in which the oceans have risen so much to drown most coastal areas. People living on land are constantly at war and have modified sharks to be weapons and kill any human found in the water. The protagonist is a young woman living on a boat harvesting the bounty of the sea.

Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2021 McFarland, Meyari. “Old Man’s Sea.” Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures. Ed. Christoph Rupprecht, Deborah Cleland. Norie Ramura, Rajat Chaudhui, and Sarena Ulibarri (Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2021), 36-47. 

The story is set in a future in which the oceans have risen so much to drown most coastal areas. People living on land are constantly at war and have modified sharks to be weapons and kill any human found in the water. The protagonist is a young woman living on a boat harvesting the bounty of the sea. Female author.