“Othello Pop”

Title“Othello Pop”
Year for Search2013
AuthorsReeves, Andaiye
Secondary AuthorsCampbell, Bill(b. 1970), and Hall, Edward Austin
Secondary TitleMothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond
Date Published2013
Place PublishedCollege Park, MD
KeywordsAfrican American author, Female author

Brief vignette set in a racist dystopia in which it is illegal to educate anyone not white, and “yellow” girls are supposed to be killed at birth. Some people resist.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

African-American female author.

Full Text

2013 Reeves, Andaiye. “Othello Pop.” Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond. Ed. Bill Campbell and Edward Austin Hall (College Park, PA: Rosarium, 2013), 210-11. PSt

Brief vignette set in a racist dystopia in which it is illegal to educate anyone not white, and “yellow” girls are supposed to be killed at birth. Some people resist. African-American female author.