“Packets in the Tube”

Title“Packets in the Tube”
Year for Search2015
AuthorsBastola, Siddanta
Secondary AuthorsFinn, Ed, and Zachary, Pascal
Secondary TitleJourneys through Time and Space
Date Published2015
PublisherIntel Foundation/Society for Science and the Public/Arizona State University
Place PublishedNp
KeywordsMale author, US author

The story is set in a future where the combination of the internet and the hyperloop means that anyone can live anywhere and commute to anyplace else and goods can be shipped almost instant anywhere. Presented as eutopian.

Full Text

2015 Bastola, Siddanta. “Packets in the Tube.” Journeys through Time and Space. E. Ed Finn and Pascal Zachary (Np: Intel Foundation/Society for Science and the Public/Arizona State University, 2015), 95-104. Journeys_Through_Time_and_Space_Anthology.pdf

The story is set in a future where the combination of the internet and the hyperloop means that anyone can live anywhere and commute to anyplace else and goods can be shipped almost instant anywhere. Presented as eutopian.