“Pain Camp Economics”

Title“Pain Camp Economics”
Year for Search2018
AuthorsAUDNIT, [pseud.]
Secondary AuthorsDavies, William
Secondary TitleEconomic Science Fictions
Date Published2018
PublisherGoldsmiths Press
Place PublishedLondon

Dystopia set in 2056 in which corporations have taken over nations and are known as CorpoNations, and the environment has been largely destroyed.

Additional Publishers


Info Notes

AUDNIT is a “sonic research unit.”

Full Text

2018 AUDNIT [pseud.]. “Pain Camp Economics.” Economic Science Fictions. Ed. William Davies (London: Goldsmiths Press, 2018), 125-137. PSt

Dystopia set in 2056 in which corporations have taken over nations and are known as CorpoNations, and the environment has been largely destroyed. AUDNIT is a “sonic research unit.”