“Social Re-organization"
Title | “Social Re-organization" |
Year for Search | 1847 |
Authors | Orvis, John(1816-97) |
Secondary Title | The Harbinger |
Volume / Edition | 4.4, 6, 8-9, 11-12, 16-17, 21, 24, 5.6 |
Pagination | 60-61, 95-96, 127, 142-43, 174-75, 190-91, 255-56, 270-72, 333-35, 381-83, 95-96 |
Date Published | January 2, 16, 30, February 6, 20, 27, March 27, April 3, May 1, 22, July 17, 1847 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | Most of the material is a critique of the present, but it also details aspects of the eutopia that Association would produce. |
Author Note | The author (1816-97) was a member of the Brook Farm Community. |
Full Text | 1847 Orvis, John (1816-97). “Social Re-organization.--No. I.” The Harbinger (New York) 4.4 (January 2, 1847): 60-61; “Social Re-organization.--No. II.” The Harbinger 4.6 (January 16, 1847): 95-96; “Social Re-organization.--No. III.” The Harbinger 4.8 (January 30, 1847): 127; “Social Re-organization.--No. IV.” The Harbinger 4.9 (February 6, 1847): 142-43; “Social Re-organization.--No. V.” The Harbinger 4.11 (February 20, 1847): 174-75; “Social Re-organization.--No. VI.” The Harbinger 4.12 (February 27, 1847): 190-91; “Social Re-organization.--No. VI [continued].” The Harbinger 4.16 (March 27, 1847): 255-56; “Social Re-organization.--No. VII.” The Harbinger 4.17 (April 3, 1847): 270-72; “Social Re-organization.--No. VIII.” The Harbinger 4.21 (May 1, 1847): 333-35; “Social Re-organization.--No. IX.” The Harbinger 4.24 (May 22, 1847): 381-83; “Social Re-organization.--No. X.” The Harbinger 5.6 (July 17, 1847): 95-96. Most of the material is a critique of the present, but it also details aspects of the eutopia that Association would produce. The author was a member of the Brook Farm Community. |