“Social Services”

Title“Social Services”
Year for Search2013
AuthorsAshby, Madeline(b. 1983)
Secondary TitleAn Aura of Familiarity: Visions from the Coming Age of Networked Matter
Date Published2013
PublisherInstitute for the Future
Place PublishedPalo Alto, CA
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author, US author

Dystopia of social services seen through the eyes of one of the providers who is, herself, controlled by her superiors.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Imaginarium 3: The Best Canadian Speculative Fiction. Ed. Ian C. Esslemont (Toronto, ON, Canada: ChiZine Publications, 2013), 249-62

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The female author (b. 1983) immigrated from the U.S. to Canada in 2006.

Full Text

2013 Ashby, Madeline (b. 1983). “Social Services.” An Aura of Familiarity: Visions from the Coming Age of Networked Matter (Palo, Alto, CA: Institute for the Future, 2013), 60-77. Rpt. in Imaginarium 3: The Best Canadian Speculative Fiction. Ed. Ian C. Esslemont (Toronto, ON, Canada: ChiZine Publications, 2013), 249-62. PSt

Dystopia of social services seen through the eyes of one of the providers who is, herself, controlled by her superiors. The female author immigrated from the U.S. to Canada in 2006.