
Year for Search2019
AuthorsBower, A. E.
Secondary AuthorsShultz, David F.
Secondary TitleNourishment: A One-Shot Anthology of Science Fiction
Date Published2019
Place PublishedNp
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

The story is set on a planet that is being explored for edible plants in the hopes that plants from Earth can be grown there, Earth having lost all plant life and humans surviving on chemically produced food. 

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Author Note

Canadian author

Full Text

2019 Bower, A. E. “Summanus.” Nourishment: A One-Shot Anthology of Science Fiction. Ed. David F. Shultz (Np: TdotSpec, 2019), 111-17. PSt

The story is set on a planet that is being explored for edible plants in the hopes that plants from Earth can be grown there, Earth having lost all plant life and humans surviving on chemically produced food. Canadian author.