Title | “SunDown” |
Year for Search | 2016 |
Authors | Immaculate, Acan Innocent |
Secondary Title | Munyori Literary Journal |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | August 2016 |
Keywords | Female author, Ugandan author |
Annotation | The story is set in a future when the sun is dieing, and most humans have left Earth leaving behind those who are note genetically ideal. |
URL | http://munyori.org/fiction/sundown-by-acan-innocent-immaculate-uganda/ |
Holding Institutions | EJournal |
Author Note | Ugandan female author |
Full Text | 2016 Immaculate, Acan Innocent. “SunDown.” Munyori Literary Journal (August 2016). http://munyori.org/fiction/sundown-by-acan-innocent-immaculate-uganda/ The story is set in a future when the sun is dieing, and most humans have left Earth leaving behind those who are note genetically ideal. Ugandan female author. |