“Thank You for Your Patience”

Title“Thank You for Your Patience”
Year for Search2020
AuthorsCampbell, Ruth
Secondary TitleReckoning 4: Creative Writing on Environmental Justice
Volume / Edition4
Date Published2020
PublisherReckoning Press
Place PublishedLake, Orion, MI
ISBN Number978-09989252-6-4
KeywordsCanadian author, Female author

The story is set in a future devastated by climate fires, global warming, and earthquakes, and the protagonist works in a call center that can only be called a dystopia. 

Additional Publishers

Also published online at https://reckoning.press/thank-you-for-your-patience/ (March 25, 2020). 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The Canadian female author has a doctorate in Canadian fiction from the University of Western Ontario.

Full Text

2020 Campbell, Ruth. “Thank You for Your Patience.” Reckoning 4: Creative Writing on Environmental Justice (Lake Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2020), 107-20. Also published online at https://reckoning.press/thank-you-for-your-patience/ (March 25, 2020). PSt

The story is set in a future devastated by climate fires, global warming, and earthquakes, and the protagonist works in a call center that can only be called a dystopia. The Canadian female author has a doctorate in Canadian fiction from the University of Western Ontario.