“Walks Home Alone at Night”

Title“Walks Home Alone at Night”
Year for Search2017
AuthorsVanian, Wondra
Secondary AuthorsRadford, Phyllis Irene(b. 1950), and Brown, Bob
Secondary TitleAlternative Truth
Date Published2017
PublisherB Cubed Press
Place PublishedBenton, City, WA
KeywordsFemale author, US author, Welsh author

The dystopia of the present in which it is dangerous for a hijab wearing woman to walk alone at night. But in the story, the woman and her friends fight back.

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Full Text

2017 Vanian, Wondra. “Walks Home Alone at Night.” Alternative Truths. Ed. Phyllis Irene Radford and Bob Brown (Benton City, WA: B. Cubed Press, 2017), 209-22. PSt

The dystopia of the present in which it is dangerous for a hijab wearing woman to walk alone at night. But in the story, the woman and her friends fight back. The female author was born and raised in the U.S. and lives in Wales.