“Word of Mouth and an Imaginary Flánerie: On Reading Word of Mouth. A Novel and a Critical Commentary on the Creative Process”

Title“Word of Mouth and an Imaginary Flánerie: On Reading Word of Mouth. A Novel and a Critical Commentary on the Creative Process”
Year for Search1994
AuthorsHughes, Rolf
Date Published1994
PublisherDissertation. University of East Angla
Place PublishedNorwich, England
KeywordsMale author

Dystopia set in a York, England, based on the conditions of the 1980s but much worse.

Full Text

1994 Hughes, Rolf. “Word of Mouth and an Imaginary Flánerie: On Reading Word of Mouth. A Novel and a Critical Commentary on the Creative Process.” Dissertation. East Anglia.

Dystopia set in a York, England, based on the conditions of the 1980s but much worse.