1988: The Fanzine of the Future, nos. 1 - 2 (1979)

Title1988: The Fanzine of the Future, nos. 1 - 2 (1979)
Year for Search1979
AuthorsWeller, M[ichael] J[ohn]
Tertiary AuthorsWeller, M. J.
Date Published1979
KeywordsMale author

Brief graphic novel depicting an authoritarian dystopia based on class, ethnicity, and race justified by the need to act against terrorists. The second issue is primarily a chronology of what happened between 1979 and 1988 to create the dystopia plus some overall description of the dystopia.

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1979 Weller, M[ichael] J[ohn]. 1988: The Fanzine of the Future, nos. 1 - 2 (1979). L

Brief graphic novel depicting an authoritarian dystopia based on class, ethnicity, and race justified by the need to act against terrorists. The second issue is primarily a chronology of what happened between 1979 and 1988 to create the dystopia plus some overall description of the dystopia.