2,001 Anno Domini. A Sequel”

Title2,001 Anno Domini. A Sequel”
Year for Search1889
AuthorsJuggle, Sir Volius [pseud.]
Secondary TitleObserver and Free Lance (Auckland, New Zealand)
Volume / Edition9.567 - 571
Pagination7, 7, 7, 7, 7
Date PublishedNovember 9 - December 7, 1889

Satire on 1889 Vogel in which the United States, which has rejected votes for women, defeats Great Britain and controls North America. While Vogel extolled Irish Home Rule, the Irish are defeated by the Emperor’s armies.


Juggle, Sir Volius [pseud.].

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Papers Past

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1889 Juggle, Sir Volius [pseud.]. “2,001 Anno Domini. A Sequel.” Observer and Free Lance (Auckland, New Zealand) 9.567 - 571 (November 9 - December 7, 1889): 7, 7, 7, 7, 7. Papers Past

Satire on 1889 Vogel in which the United States, which has rejected votes for women, defeats Great Britain and controls North America. While Vogel extolled Irish Home Rule, the Irish are defeated by the Emperor’s armies.