The Anarchistic Colossus

TitleThe Anarchistic Colossus
Year for Search1977
Authorsvan Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton](1912-2000)
Tertiary Authorsvan Vogt, A. E.
Pagination248 pp.
Date Published1977
PublisherAce Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author, US author

Anarchist eutopia as the setting for resistance to an alien invasion with the aliens believing that the apparently disorganized humans will be easy pickings. The system is tied together by a billions-strong network of AI (kirilian computers in the text) so that ethical and moral lapses can be identified and corrected.

Additional Publishers

U.K. ed. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1978

Holding Institutions

Merril, MoU-St, PSt

Author Note

Although the author (1912-2000) left Canada in 1944, he is considered the founder of Canadian science fiction.

Full Text

1977 van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] (1912-2000). The Anarchistic Colossus. New York: Ace Books with an unpaged “Introduction” by the author. 248 pp. U.K. ed. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1978. Merril, MoU-St, PSt

Anarchist eutopia as the setting for resistance to an alien invasion with the aliens believing that the apparently disorganized humans will be easy pickings. The system is tied together by a billions-strong network of AI (kirilian computers in the text) so that ethical and moral lapses can be identified and corrected. Although van Vogt left Canada in 1944, he is considered the founder of Canadian science fiction.