Anona of the Moundbuilders: A Story of Many Thousand of Years Ago

TitleAnona of the Moundbuilders: A Story of Many Thousand of Years Ago
Year for Search1920
AuthorsMarple, J[ames] Clarence, and Dennis, Albert Nelson
Tertiary AuthorsMarple, J. Clarence
Date Published1920
PublisherProgressive Publishers
Place PublishedWheeling, VA
KeywordsMale author, US author

Simple, primitive, agrarian eutopia. The Moundbuilders are “tall, symmetrical, fair-skinned.” Attacked by “black savages” from south of the Gulf of Mexico. The Princess Anona builds a less primitive social order as part of the process of defeating the enemy.

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1920 Marple, J[ames] Clarence and Albert Nelson Dennis. Anona of the Moundbuilders: A Story of Many Thousand of Years Ago. Wheeling, VA: Progressive Publishers. CU-Riv 

Simple, primitive, agrarian eutopia. The Moundbuilders are “tall, symmetrical, fair-skinned.” Attacked by “black savages” from south of the Gulf of Mexico. The Princess Anona builds a less primitive social order as part of the process of defeating the enemy.