"The Appropriate Response: Class War"

Title"The Appropriate Response: Class War"
Year for Search2012
AuthorsSamson, Jeff
Secondary TitleNature
Volume / Edition485.7397
Date PublishedMay 10, 2012
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopian classroom of the future where all students are assessed as to how they should be treated by the teacher and a bright student who accurately answers a question while disparaging her classmates is subdued and removed.


Illus. Jacey

Holding Institutions


Full Text

2012 Samson, Jeff. “The Appropriate Response: Class War.” Illus. Jacey. Nature 485.7397 (May 10, 2012): 272.

Dystopian classroom of the future where all students are assessed as to how they should be treated by the teacher and a bright student who accurately answers a question while disparaging her classmates is subdued and removed.