Armageddon; A Tale of the Anti-Christ

TitleArmageddon; A Tale of the Anti-Christ
Year for Search1938
AuthorsDe Forest, Eleanor
Date Published1938
PublisherWm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
Place PublishedGrand Rapids, MI
KeywordsFemale author

Dystopia with the stress on struggle between good and evil. Armageddon (see Revelation 16).

Translation Note

Afrikaans edition as Die Laaste Wêreldbotsing. Trans. D.L. Du Tot. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Die C.S.V. Boekhandel, 1945.

Holding Institutions

L, MoU-St, PSt

Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

1938 De Forest, Eleanor. Armageddon; A Tale of the Anti-Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Afrikaans edition as Die Laaste Wêreldbotsing. Trans. D.L. Du Tot. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Die C.S.V. Boekhandel, 1945. L, MoU-St, PSt

Dystopia with the stress on struggle between good and evil. Armageddon (see Revelation 16).