Armageddon. A Tale of Love, War, and Invention

TitleArmageddon. A Tale of Love, War, and Invention
Year for Search1898
AuthorsWaterloo, Stanley(1846-1913)
Date Published1898
PublisherRand, McNally
Place PublishedChicago, IL
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia. The world is constantly on the edge of war and the United States and Great Britain form an alliance against some European states, there is a brief battle, which the Anglo-Saxon alliance wins. The Alliance sets terms for peace and the construction of a very powerful weapon ensures that there will be peace. Strongly nationalist and racist.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. without the subtitle and with an "Introduction" by Richard Gid Powers (v-xviii). Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 1976.

Holding Institutions

DLC, MoU-St, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1898 Waterloo, Stanley (1846-1913). Armageddon. A Tale of Love, War, and Invention. Chicago, IL: Rand, McNally. Rpt. without the subtitle and with an “Introduction” by Richard Gid Powers (v-xviii). Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 1976. DLC, MoU-St, PSt

Dystopia. The world is constantly on the edge of war and the United States and Great Britain form an alliance against some European states, there is a brief battle, which the Anglo-Saxon alliance wins. The Alliance sets terms for peace and the construction of a very powerful weapon ensures that there will be peace. Strongly nationalist and racist.