Title | "Asylum" |
Year for Search | 1994 |
Authors | Kerr, Katharine [Nancy Brahtin](b. 1944) |
Secondary Title | Interzone |
Volume / Edition | no. 90 |
Pagination | 36-50 |
Date Published | December 1994 |
Keywords | Female author, US author |
Annotation | Military coup in the US back by fundamentalist religious groups. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. in The Year's Best Science Fiction Twelfth Annual Collection. Ed. Gardner [Raymond] Dozois (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), 549-80. |
Holding Institutions | MoU-St, PSt |
Author Note | Female author (b. 1944). |
Full Text | 1994 Kerr, Katharine [Nancy Brahtin] (b. 1944). “Asylum.” Interzone, no. 90 (December 1994): 36-50. Rpt. in The Year’s Best Science Fiction Twelfth Annual Collection. Ed. Gardner [Raymond] Dozois (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995), 549-80. MoU-St, PSt A military coup in the U.S. is backed by fundamentalist religious groups. Female author. |