"The Atavists"

Title"The Atavists"
Year for Search1955
AuthorsRymer, G. A.
Secondary TitleA.D. 2500: The Observer Prize Stories 1954
Date Published1955
PublisherWilliam Heinemann
Place PublishedLondon

Dystopia of a degenerated world of people of low intelligence deliberately created by the intelligent leaders of the "Total Scientific World State" to serve in factories. They are not sexually active and spend all their time watching T.V. or playing sports. They are called "folksies," speak "Babytalk," and are mostly illiterate.

Holding Institutions

CU-Riv, L, NLS

Full Text

1955 Rymer, G.A. “The Atavists.” A.D. 2500: The Observer Prize Stories 1954 (London: William Heinemann, 1955), 131-43. CU-Riv, L, NLS

Dystopia of a degenerated world of people of low intelligence deliberately created by the intelligent leaders of the “Total Scientific World State” to serve in factories. They are not sexually active and spend all their time watching T.V. or playing sports. They are called “folksies,” speak “Babytalk,” and are mostly illiterate.