Atla: A Story of the Lost Island

TitleAtla: A Story of the Lost Island
Year for Search1886
AuthorsSmith, Mrs. J. Gregory
Date Published1886
PublisherHarper & Brothers
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author

Atlantis as a eutopia. Much romance and adventure. Atla is a child from the North who is born as her mother dies as the result of a shipwreck on the shores of Atlantis.

Holding Institutions

MoU-St, PSt

Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

1886 Smith, Mrs. J. Gregory. Atla: A Story of the Lost Island. New York: Harper & Brothers. MoU-St, PSt

Atlantis as a eutopia. Much romance and adventure. Atla is a child from the North who is born as her mother dies as the result of a shipwreck on the shores of Atlantis. Female author.