Attraction of the Compass: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience

TitleAttraction of the Compass: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience
Year for Search1912
AuthorsDodge, H[oward] L[ewis](1867-1946)
Tertiary AuthorsDodge, H. L.
Date Published1912
PublisherDove & Courtney
Place PublishedLong Beach, CA
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author, US author

Lost race eutopia emphasizing trial marriage.

Additional Publishers

2nd ed. with an additional chapter as Attraction of the Compass: or the Blonde Eskimo: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience. Long Beach, CA: Seaside Printing Co., 1916. 

Holding Institutions

HRC, MoU-St, OrU

Author Note

The author (1867-1946) was born in Canada and became a U.S. citizen in 1908.

Full Text

1912 Dodge, H[oward] L[ewis] (1867-1946). Attraction of the Compass: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience. Long Beach, CA: Dove & Courtney. 2nd ed. with an additional chapter as Attraction of the Compass: or the Blonde Eskimo: A Romance of the North, Based Upon Facts of a Personal Experience. Long Beach, CA: Seaside Printing Co., 1916. HRC, MoU-St, OrU

Lost race eutopia emphasizing trial marriage. The author was born in Canada and became a U.S. citizen in 1908.