Australasia. A Poem Written for The Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge Commencement, July, 1823

TitleAustralasia. A Poem Written for The Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge Commencement, July, 1823
Year for Search1823
AuthorsWentworth, W[illiam] C[harles](1790?-1872)
Tertiary AuthorsWentworth, W. C.
Pagination22 pp.
Date Published1823
PublisherPtd. for G. and W.D. Whittaker
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsAustralian author, English author, Male author

Australia as a eutopia. 

Author Note

Although many dates of the author’s birth are given between 1790 and 1793, the mostly likely date appears to be 1790. He was educated in England, spent much of his career in Australian embroiled in Sydney politics, returned to England, where he died in 1872, but he is buried in Australia.

Full Text

1823 Wentworth, W[illiam] C[harles] (1790?-1872). Australasia. A Poem Written for The Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge Commencement, July, 1823. London: Ptd. for G. and W.D. Whittaker. 22 pp.

Australia as a eutopia. Although many dates of the author’s birth are given between 1790 and 1793, the mostly likely date appears to be 1790. He was educated in England, spent much of his career in Australian embroiled in Sydney politics, returned to England, where he died, but he is buried in Australia.