In Autotelia”

TitleIn Autotelia”
Year for Search2012
AuthorsHarrison, M[ichael] John(b. 1945)
Secondary TitleArc Magazine 1.1. The future always wins
Volume / Edition1.1
Date PublishedFebruary 2012
ISSN Number2049-5870
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

An odd, rather indeterminate story told from the point of view of an aging woman doctor traveling from a rundown apparently contemporary London to another city, which appears to be in an alternative universe, to give medical tests to those applying to immigrate.

Author Note

(b. 1945)

Full Text

2012 Harrison, M[ichael] John (b. 1945). “In Autotelia.” Arc Magazine 1.1. The future always wins (February 2012).

An odd, rather indeterminate story told from the point of view of an aging woman doctor traveling from a rundown apparently contemporary London to another city, which appears to be in an alternative universe, to give medical tests to those applying to immigrate.