"In the Background"

Title"In the Background"
Year for Search2018
AuthorsKrasnoff, Barbara
Secondary AuthorsLeib, Bart R., and Holt, Kay T.
Secondary TitleResist Fascism
Date Published2018
PublisherCrossed Genres
Place Published[Somerville, MA]
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The story is set in a dystopian future where social norms are being reversed, limiting freedom, and stigmatizing individuals. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The female author is the reviews editor of The Verge.

Full Text

2018 Krasnoff, Barbara. “In the Background.” Resist Fascism. Ed. Bart R. Leib and Kay T. Holt ([Somerville, MA]: Crossed Genres, 2018). EBook

The story is set in a dystopian future where social norms are being reversed, limiting freedom, and stigmatizing individuals. The female author is the reviews editor of The Verge.