Bangkok Wakes to Rain

TitleBangkok Wakes to Rain
Year for Search2019
AuthorsSudbanthad, Pitchaya
Date Published2019
PublisherRiverhead Books
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, Thai author, US author

The novel is set in different time periods including a future in which Bangkok is under water.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author was born in Thailand, grew up there and in Saudi Arabia, and currently splits his time between Thailand and the U.S.

Full Text

2019 Sudbanthad, Pitchaya. Bangkok Wakes to Rain. New York: Riverhead Books. Public

The novel is set in different time periods including a future in which Bangkok is under water. The author was born in Thailand, grew up there and in Saudi Arabia, and currently splits his time between Thailand and the U.S.