Barking Dogs

TitleBarking Dogs
Year for Search1988
AuthorsGreen, Terence M[ichael](b. 1947)
Date Published1988
PublisherSt. Martin's Press
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsCanadian author, Male author

Dystopia of violence in a near future Toronto. His Blue Limbo. New York: Tor, 1997 is a sequel (Merril).

Additional Publishers

The novel originated as “Barking Dogs.” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 66.5 (396) (May 1984): 42-53, which was rpt. in his The Woman Who Is the Midnight Wind (Potters Lake, NS, Canada: Pottersfield Press, 1987), 32-47.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Canadian author (b. 1947).

Full Text

1988 Green, Terence M[ichael] (b. 1947). Barking Dogs. New York: St. Martin’s Press. The novel originated as “Barking Dogs.” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 66.5 (396) (May 1984): 42-53, which was rpt. in his The Woman Who Is the Midnight Wind (Potters Lake, NS, Canada: Pottersfield Press, 1987), 32-47. Merril

Dystopia of violence in a near future Toronto. His Blue Limbo. New York: Tor, 1997 is a sequel (Merril). Canadian author.