"Beautiful Girl"

Title"Beautiful Girl"
Year for Search2010
AuthorsHawkes, Angeline
Secondary AuthorsSizemore, Jason
Secondary TitleDark Futures
Date Published2010
PublisherDark Quest Books
Place PublishedHowell, NJ
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Dystopia of a post-atomic war future where very few men are born, and those few are tattooed with a barcode that identifies their owner.

Title Note

Subtitle on the cover Tales of SF Dystopia.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

2010 Hawkes, Angeline. “Beautiful Girl.” Dark Futures [Subtitle on the cover Tales of SF Dystopia]. Ed. Jason Sizemore (Howell, NJ: Dark Quest Books, 2010), 57-64. PSt

Dystopia of a post-atomic war future where very few men are born, and those few are tattooed with a barcode that identifies their owner. Female author.