Beloved Son
Title | Beloved Son |
Year for Search | 1978 |
Authors | Turner, George [Reginald](1916-97) |
Date Published | 1978 |
Publisher | Faber & Faber |
Place Published | London |
Keywords | Australian author, Male author |
Annotation | Post-catastrophe dystopia. Complex new society established to be a eutopia, but it has serious problems. At the end of this volume, the dystopia is being replaced in the name of a new eutopia, which looks to be set to become the next dystopia. First volume of a trilogy; see 1981 and 1983 Turner. |
Holding Institutions | M |
Author Note | Australian author (1916-97). |
Full Text | 1978 Turner, George [Reginald] (1916-97). Beloved Son. Post-catastrophe dystopia. Complex new society established to be a eutopia, but it has serious problems. At the end of this volume, the dystopia is being replaced in the name of a new eutopia, which looks to be set to become the next dystopia. First volume of a trilogy; see 1981 and 1983 Turner. Australian author. |