Bend Sinister

TitleBend Sinister
Year for Search1947
AuthorsNabokov, Vladimir [Vladimirovich](1899-1977)
Date Published1947
PublisherHenry Holt
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, Russian author, US author

Novel set in an authoritarian dystopia. In the "Introduction" Nabokov insists that the dystopian setting is incidental to the novel which is concerned with the relationship between a father and son.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. New York: Time, Inc. 1964 with a new Introduction" by Nabokov. Rpt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. U.K. ed. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960. Rpt. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1974 with the "Introduction" (5-11); and in his Novels and Memoirs, 1941-1951 (New York: Library of America, 1996), 161-358, with the "Introduction from the 1964 ed. (163-69) and "Notes on the Text" (680-95).

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (1899-1977) was born and raised in Russia, educated in England, lived in France and Germany between the wars, and moved to the U. S. in 1940.

Full Text

1947 Nabokov, Vladimir [Vladimirovich] (1899-1977). Bend Sinister. New York: Henry Holt. Rpt. New York: Time, Inc. 1964 with a new Introduction” by Nabokov. Rpt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. U.K. ed. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960. Rpt. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1974 with the “Introduction” (5-11); and in his Novels and Memoirs, 1941-1951 (New York: Library of America, 1996), 161-358, with the “Introduction from the 1964 ed. (163-69) and “Notes on the Text” (680-95). DLC, PSt

Novel set in an authoritarian dystopia. In the “Introduction” Nabokov insists that the dystopian setting is incidental to the novel which is concerned with the relationship between a father and son. The author was born and raised in Russia, educated in England, lived in France and Germany between the wars, and moved to the U. S. in 1940.