
Year for Search1979
AuthorsFairbairns, Zoë(b. 1948)
Date Published1979
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Female author

Feminist dystopia. Government encourages and then forces women to stay home and care for their families. It then tries to control conception by requiring contraception and later putting a contraceptive in the water. This causes major fetal damage and creates the beginnings of a backlash.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. with an "Introduction" by the author (i-iv) Nottingham, Eng.: Five Leaves, 1998.

Author Note

Female author (b. 1948).

Full Text

1979 Fairbairns, Zoë [Ann] (b. 1948). Benefits. London: Virago. Rpt. with an “Introduction” by the author (i-iv) Nottingham, Eng.: Five Leaves, 1998.

Feminist dystopia. Government encourages and then forces women to stay home and care for their families. It then tries to control conception by requiring contraception and later putting a contraceptive in the water. This causes major fetal damage and creates the beginnings of a backlash. Female author.