Beyond Hell

TitleBeyond Hell
Year for Search1931
AuthorsMcKenna, Stephen(1888-1967)
Date Published1931
PublisherChapman & Hall
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Dystopia within a eutopia. Set slightly in the future in a world with an effective international organization and world court. Sunday Island is an island of permanently transported convicts. The scheme is presented as if the “settlers” will be able to live a full and free life within the confines of the island, but it is initially an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by the Governor of the island. English as the only language. Each “settler” spends half of each day in physical labor in exchange for food and housing. Weekly medical inspection. Successful revolution followed by the struggle to establish a decent system, which takes up about half the book.

Additional Publishers

US ed. New York: Dodd Mead, 1932.

Holding Institutions

L, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1931 McKenna, Stephen (1888-1967). Beyond Hell. London: Chapman & Hall. US ed. New York: Dodd Mead, 1932. L, PSt

Dystopia within a eutopia. Set slightly in the future in a world with an effective international organization and world court. Sunday Island is an island of permanently transported convicts. The scheme is presented as if the “settlers” will be able to live a full and free life within the confines of the island, but it is initially an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by the Governor of the island. English as the only language. Each “settler” spends half of each day in physical labor in exchange for food and housing. Weekly medical inspection. Successful revolution followed by the struggle to establish a decent system, which takes up about half the book.