Birthright: The Book of Man

TitleBirthright: The Book of Man
Year for Search1982
AuthorsResnick, Mike [Michael Diamond](1942-2020)
Date Published1982
PublisherNew American Library
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Future history of the next 18,000 years in which the human race goes through many permutations, many eutopias and dystopias, until finally destroyed. The ending has the whole process starting over again.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Alexander, NC: Farthest Star, 1997.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1982 Resnick, Mike [Michael Diamond] (1942-2020). Birthright: The Book of Man. New York: New American Library. Rpt. Alexander, NC: Farthest Star, 1997. PSt

Future history of the next 18,000 years in which the human race goes through many permutations, many eutopias and dystopias, until finally destroyed. The ending has the whole process starting over again.