"Bitter Nigger Inc."

Title"Bitter Nigger Inc."
Year for Search2002
AuthorsHargest, Tana
Secondary TitleSocial Text
Volume / Edition no. 71 (20.2)
Date PublishedSummer 2002
KeywordsAfrican American author, Female author

Brief introduction to a company with illustrations (mostly illegible) of its products. The company's divisions are Bitter Nigger Broadcast Network, Bitter Nigger Product Division, and Bitter Nigger Pharmaceuticals. One product, Tominex, is the “go-along-to-get-along medication” and said to be “the only over the counter medication to remove your yearning for fairness or human decency.”

Holding Institutions

O, PSt

Author Note

The author is an African American female artist.

Full Text

2002 Hargest, Tana. “Bitter Nigger Inc.” Social Text, no. 71 (20.2) (Summer 2002): 115-23. O, PSt

Brief introduction to a company with illustrations (mostly illegible) of its products. The company's divisions are Bitter Nigger Broadcast Network, Bitter Nigger Product Division, and Bitter Nigger Pharmaceuticals. One product, Tominex, is the “go-along-to-get-along medication” and said to be “the only over the counter medication to remove your yearning for fairness or human decency.” The author is an African American artist.