From Blight to Height

TitleFrom Blight to Height
Year for Search1979
AuthorsMarinelli, Jean
Date Published1979
PublisherVantage Press
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Eutopia in which a new form of society, called a Region, is established with sixty thousand people. Most decision-making is by a computer known as Comp-U, which is said to know what is best for everyone. The first is successful in eliminating poverty, unemployment, and discrimination, and its people are able to reach their full potential. People wore the same clothing and housing was identical. Standardized names plus a number. Contraceptives required and sexual activity limited to Friday nights. People ate together. No tobacco but marijuana was used. No children initially. As a result, more such Regions are established. Female author.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author.

Full Text

1979 Marinelli, Jean. From Blight to Height. New York: Vantage Press. PSt

Eutopia in which a new form of society, called a Region, is established with sixty thousand people. Most decision-making is by a computer known as Comp-U, which is said to know what is best for everyone. The first is successful in eliminating poverty, unemployment, and discrimination, and its people are able to reach their full potential. People wore the same clothing and housing was identical. Standardized names plus a number. Contraceptives required and sexual activity limited to Friday nights. People ate together. No tobacco but marijuana was used. No children initially. As a result, more such Regions are established. Female author.