"Brave New World"
Title | "Brave New World" |
Year for Search | 1939 |
Authors | Newman, Lawrence R.(1925-2011) |
Secondary Title | The Deaf American |
Volume / Edition | 22 |
Pagination | 12 |
Date Published | November 1969 |
ISBN Number | 9781563684081 |
ISSN Number | 0011-720X |
Keywords | Deaf author, Male author, US author |
Annotation | Satire in which most of the population is deaf and uses signing and the hearing are a disadvantaged minority. One focus is a group of activists among the hearing who want to force the hearing to use signs. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. in his I Fill This Small Space: The Writings of a Deaf Activist, Ed. David J. Kurs (Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2009), 224-26. |
Holding Institutions | OSt |
Author Note | Deaf author (1925-2011) |
Full Text | 1969 Newman, Lawrence R. (1925-2011). “Brave New World.” The Deaf American 22 (November 1969): 12. Rpt. in his I Fill This Small Space: The Writings of a Deaf Activist, Ed. David J. Kurs (Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2009), 224-26. OSt Satire in which most of the population is deaf and uses signing and the hearing are a disadvantaged minority. One focus is a group of activists among the hearing who want to force the hearing to use signs. |