"The Burning World
Title | "The Burning World |
Year for Search | 1957 |
Authors | Budrys, Algis [Algirdas Jonas](1931-2008) |
Secondary Title | Infinity Science Fiction |
Volume / Edition | 2.4 |
Pagination | 4-39. |
Date Published | June 1957 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | Flawed libertarian utopia struggling with those who wanted power internally and external enemies. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. Medford, OR: Armchair Press, 2012 bound with Chester S. Geier (1921-90), Forever Is Too Long originally published in Fantastic Adventures (March 1947). |
Holding Institutions | CU-Riv, PSt |
Author Note | The author (1931-2008) was born in what was then East Prussia of Lithuanian parents and was brought to the U.S. by his parents when he was five. |
Full Text | 1957 Budrys, Algis [Algirdas Jonas] (1931-2008). “The Burning World.” Infinity Science Fiction 2.4 (June 1957): 4-39. Rpt. Medford, OR: Armchair Press, 2012 bound with Chester S. Geier (1921-90), Forever Is Too Long originally published in Fantastic Adventures (March 1947). CU-Riv, PSt Flawed libertarian utopia struggling with those who wanted power internally and external enemies. The author was born in what was then East Prussia of Lithuanian parents and was brought to the U.S. by his parents when he was five. |