From Carthage Then I Came

TitleFrom Carthage Then I Came
Year for Search1966
AuthorsMason, Douglas R[ankine](1918-2013)
Date Published1966
Place PublishedGarden City, NY
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author, Welsh author

Authoritarian dystopia brought about by a new ice age with everyone living in domes. At the end a new colony is about to be founded as technology provides a way to defeat the ice in defined areas.

Additional Publishers

UK ed. London: Robert Hale, 1968. Also entitled Eight Against Utopia. New York: Paperbook Library, 1967.

Title Note

Also entitled Eight Against Utopia

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (1918-2013) was born in Wales.

Full Text

1966 Mason, Douglas R[ankine] (1918-2013). From Carthage Then I Came. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. UK ed. London: Robert Hale, 1968. Also entitled Eight Against Utopia. New York: Paperbook Library, 1967. DLC

Authoritarian dystopia brought about by a new ice age with everyone living in domes. At the end a new colony is about to be founded as technology provides a way to defeat the ice in defined areas. The author was born in Wales.