"Check Elastic Before Jumping: Paralysis to senses, temporarily"

Title"Check Elastic Before Jumping: Paralysis to senses, temporarily"
Year for Search2006
AuthorsAsher, Neal [L.](b. 1961)
Secondary TitleNature
Volume / Edition441.7096
Date PublishedJune 22, 2006
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

A future of corporate dominance mostly presented positively.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. without the subtitle or the illus. in Futures from Nature. Ed. Henry Gee (New York: Tor, 2007), 30-32.


Illus. Jacey

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1961)

Full Text

2006 Asher, Neal [L.].(b. 1961). “Check Elastic Before Jumping: Paralysis to senses, temporarily.” Illus. Jacey. Nature 441.7096 (June 22, 2006): 1026. Rpt. without the subtitle or the illus. in Futures from Nature. Ed. Henry Gee (New York: Tor, 2007), 30-32.

A future of corporate dominance mostly presented positively.