A Christmas Mystery

TitleA Christmas Mystery
Year for Search1896
AuthorsBoring, Charles O[scar](1846-1922)
Pagination32 pp.
Date Published1896
PublisherThe Forward Movement Publishing Co
Place PublishedChicago, IL
KeywordsMale author, US author

Short eutopia in which a reformed and revived religion based on The Forward Movement (which was part of the Social Gospel Movement) has brought about the eutopia. Set in 1949. No denominations (5-6). Church provides free food and lodging for all who need it (23-24) as well as a library and reading rooms and space for art, education, and physical culture (25). No saloons (9).

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1896 Boring, Charles O[scar] (1846-1922). A Christmas Mystery. Chicago, IL: The Forward Movement Publishing Co. 32 pp. DLC, W3,602

Short eutopia in which a reformed and revived religion based on The Forward Movement (which was part of the Social Gospel Movement) has brought about the eutopia. Set in 1949. No denominations (5-6). Church provides free food and lodging for all who need it (23-24) as well as a library and reading rooms and space for art, education, and physical culture (25). No saloons (9).