"City of Glass"

Title"City of Glass"
Year for Search1942
AuthorsLoomis, Noel [Miller](1905-69)
Secondary TitleStartling Stories (Chicago, IL)
Volume / Edition8.1
Date PublishedJuly 1942
KeywordsMale author, US author

Far future earth with two societies at war over diminished resources. One, while authoritarian, is attempting to create a decent life; the other, in which most of the people are starving, is an authoritarian dictatorship. Free trade solves the problem. A related story is his “Iron Men.” Startling Stories (Chicago, IL) 11.3 (Winter 1945): 11-65.

Additional Publishers

Repub. as The City of Glass: A Complete Science Fiction Novel. New York: Columbia Publishers, 1955.

Holding Institutions

MoU-St, PSt

Author Note


Full Text

1942 Loomis, Noel [Miller] (1905-69). “City of Glass.” Startling Stories (Chicago, IL) 8.1 (July 1942): 12-85. Repub. as The City of Glass: A Complete Science Fiction Novel. New York: Columbia Publishers, 1955. MoU-St, PSt

Far future earth with two societies at war over diminished resources. One, while authoritarian, is attempting to create a decent life; the other, in which most of the people are starving, is an authoritarian dictatorship. Free trade solves the problem. A related story is his “Iron Men.” Startling Stories (Chicago, IL) 11.3 (Winter 1945): 11-65.