"The Colonizing of Tharle"

Title"The Colonizing of Tharle"
Year for Search2004
AuthorsHogan, James P[atrick](1941-2010)
Secondary AuthorsTier, Mark, and Greenberg, Martin H[arry](1941-2011)
Secondary TitleVisions of Liberty
Date Published2004
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsEnglish author, Irish author, Male author, US author

Libertarian eutopia in which an invading force tries and fails to find a government with which to negotiate. The invasion is foiled through simple non-cooperation.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in Freedom! Ed. Martin H[arry] Greenberg and Mark Tier (New York: Baen, 2006), 485-509.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note

Irish author (1941-2010?) who was born in London and also lived and worked in the U. S.

Full Text

2004 Hogan, James P[atrick] (1941-2010). “The Colonizing of Tharle.” Visions of Liberty. Ed. Mark Tier and Martin H[arry] Greenberg (New York: Baen, 2004), 253-87. Rpt. in Freedom! Ed. Martin H[arry] Greenberg and Mark Tier (New York: Baen, 2006), 485-509. Merril, PSt

Libertarian eutopia in which an invading force tries and fails to find a government with which to negotiate. The invasion is foiled through simple non-cooperation. Irish author who was born in London and also lived and worked in the U. S.