Coming of Age

TitleComing of Age
Year for Search2014
AuthorsThomas, Thomas T[hurston](b. 1948)
Volume / Edition2 vols.
Pagination320 pp. 366 pp.
Date Published2014
Place PublishedNp
ISBN Number978-0-9849658-5-4 978-0-9849658-6-1
KeywordsMale author, US author

The two volumes project the future lives of what happens to two extended families of the first two people who, in the first volume, are given immortality.

Title Note

Volume 1 Eternal Life. Volume 2: Endless Conflict

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1948)

Full Text

2014 Thomas, Thomas T[hurston] (b. 1948). Coming of Age. 2 vols. Volume 1 Eternal Life. Np: Author. 320 pp. Volume 2: Endless Conflict. Np: Author. 366 pp. PSt

The two volumes project the future lives of what happens to two extended families of the first two people who, in the first volume, are given immortality.