"Company Town"

Title"Company Town"
Year for Search2020
AuthorsNicoll, Kiya
Secondary AuthorsHuff, Crystal M.
Secondary TitleRecognize Fascism: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology
Date Published2020
PublisherWorld Weaver Press
Place PublishedAlbuquerque, NM
ISBN Number978-1-734054507
KeywordsNeurodivergent author, US author

The story is set in a corporation dominated future where there is a strong movement against anyone with augmentations and others who do not fall within a narrow ethnicity, gender, and race range. Ends very abruptly.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Neurodivergent author who uses the pronouns they/their.

Full Text

2020 Nicoll, Kiya. “Company Town.” Recognize Fascism: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology. Ed. Crystal M. Huff (Albuquerque, NM:  World Weaver Press, 2020), 39-53. PSt

The story is set in a corporation dominated future where there is a strong movement against anyone with augmentations and others who do not fall within a narrow ethnicity, gender, and race range. Ends very abruptly. Neurodivergent author who uses the pronouns they/their.