Constitution for The New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal) From the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

TitleConstitution for The New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal) From the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Year for Search2010
AuthorsAvakian, Bob [Robert Bruce](b. 1949)
Date Published2010
PublisherRCP Publications
Place PublishedChicago, IL
KeywordsMale author, US author

A constitution for a future socialist republic giving the organizational structure and laying out the rights of citizens. Includes the possibility of autonomous regions within the country for African Americans and "Mexican-Americans". Stresses rights for women. 

Author Note

The author (b. 1949) has been leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA since 1979

Full Text

2010 Avakian, Bob [Robert Bruce] (b. 1949) (Adopted by the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA). Constitution for The New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal) From the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Chicago, IL: RCP Publications.

A constitution for a future socialist republic giving the organizational structure and laying out the rights of citizens. Includes the possibility of autonomous regions within the country for African Americans and “Mexican-Americans”. Stresses rights for women. The author has been leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA since 1979.